For Speed Beep status information, click here. This information may be helpful if you are having problems with Speed Beep. To turn off all the sounds in the sound list, click here. This will disable Speed Beep unless you turn on one or more sounds before closing the control panel. To turn on all the sounds in the sound list, click here. The weight of all the sounds that are turned on will be set to match the current value of the weight slider control. For more information about Speed Beep, including instructions on paying for your copy of Speed Beep, click here. To set the maximum number of sounds that should be allowed to play at once (if your Mac supports this feature), move the slider control. If more beeps occur than this setting allows, Speed Beep will play the beep sound when older beeps are finished. To set the chance that the selected sound will be chosen to be played when a random beep is played, move the slider control. For example, a sound with a weight of 6 is three times more likely to be played than a sound with a weight of 2. To turn a sound on or off, click the checkbox to the left of its name. Turn on one sound to always use that sound as your beep; turn on multiple sounds for random beeps; or turn off all sounds to disable Speed Beep. Speed Beep is a Robert L Production.